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Many residents of Austin, TX, are concerned about the spread of airborne viruses in their homes. The common cold is caused by hundreds of types of rhinoviruses and coronaviruses. Influenza, RSV and COVID-19 are also contagious airborne viruses that spread quickly and may cause serious illness. Read on to learn about fact versus fiction when it comes to how airborne viruses are affected by your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Fact: How Airborne Viruses Spread in a Home

When you or someone in your home coughs or sneezes, some respiratory droplets launch into the air. Many of these droplets are big, and they quickly settle onto a surface. If you’ve sneezed or coughed into a tissue or your elbow, most of the droplets will be absorbed on its surface. The lightest, smallest droplets may stick around for a while, floating in the air. Your home’s air isn’t stagnant. Each time the air conditioning or heating turns on, air currents develop. Using exhaust, ceiling or window fans also creates air currents. These currents move the tiny virus-laden droplets throughout your home.

Fact: Adding Air Filters Reduces the Risk of Illness

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your risk of spreading airborne viruses in your home, your HVAC system can help. The Environmental Protection Agency explains that high-efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) can trap 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and larger in size. This accounts for most bacteria and many viruses. If you choose an air filter with a minimum efficiency reported value (MERV) rating of 16 or higher, you’re getting hospital-grade protection from airborne viruses. These filters have tiny pores that capture respiratory droplets.

Fact: Using Air Sanitizers Reduces Germs in Your Home

Air sanitizers use different types of technology to remove or inactivate airborne viruses, bacteria, fungal spores and allergens from your home’s air. Portable air sanitizers may use ozone or HEPA filters for this. A portable air filter is a good solution for your bedroom. If you want a higher level of protection, talk with a NATE-certified technician about a whole-home air purification system. These systems use UV-C irradiation to inactivate airborne viruses, bacteria and other germs in the air. The light shines within your home’s air duct. For added protection, the lamp also shines over the evaporator coil and drain pan of your heating and cooling system.

Fact: Adding Ventilation to Your Home Improves Indoor Air Quality

Air conditioners, furnaces and heat pumps recycle the same air all day. Breathing in the same air as everyone else in your home increases your risk of breathing in their virus-laden respiratory droplets. Increasing both active and passive ventilation in your home brings in fresh, virus-free outdoor air. Some methods of passive ventilation include soffit, box and attic vents and opening doors and windows. Active ventilation involves a motor moving air out of your home and bringing fresh air into your home from the outdoors. These options include an energy recovery ventilator, heat recovery ventilator, exhaust fans, window fans and attic fans.

Fiction: Use a Dehumidifier or Humidifier to Get Rid of Viruses

The ideal indoor humidity level is 30% to 50%. This level of moisture in your home’s air allows your mucus membranes to more easily capture bacteria and viruses when you breathe. If the humidity level in your home is too high, your home may have more problems with allergens. They irritate your nasal passages and throat, making it easier for germs to enter your body. Low humidity levels cause your nasal passages, eyes and throat to be too dry. They could then crack or become irritated, creating openings for viruses to get inside you. Humidity levels below 30% are associated with faster influenza transmission and worse cold symptoms. Low indoor humidity also makes it easier for airborne viruses to spread throughout your home.

If you’re searching for ways to make your Austin home healthier, the NATE-certified technicians at Faught Service Company are ready to help with dependable indoor air quality products. Our heating and air conditioning maintenance, repair and installation services can help may your indoor air healthier. We’re also proud to offer air filters, duct replacement services and maintenance plans. For additional details or to schedule one of our services in Austin and the surrounding areas, call us at Faught Service Company today.

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