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The weather is warming up, and you decide it is time to get your air conditioner operating for the season. As it cycles on, you notice some unusual sounds. Your stomach drops as you consider whether or not this means you need a new air conditioning system.

Fortunately, not all sounds mean you need a new system. In fact, many can be either resolved or prevented with seasonal preventative maintenance. Consider some of the most common noises you may hear come from your AC unit.


Do you hear a whirring noise like a helicopter coming from outside your home? If this is coming from your outdoor condenser unit, then it likely signals a problem with the condenser fan or motor.

This particular problem may be caused by loose fan blades, which is a simple fix. Be sure to turn off the power to your condenser unit before attempting to tighten the blades back down. Failure to do so may result in significant injury.

Another cause of whirring is debris caught in one of the fan assemblies. It may even be a sign of bad bearings in the fan motor. A professionally trained technician will be able to quickly track down the source of the issue.


When your system starts generating a screaming sound when it cycles on, you have a major problem. In most cases, this kind of sound is traced back to a refrigerant leak. If the sound is coming from inside of your home, it is likely from your evaporator coil. A noise coming from outside would signal the condenser coil.

If you hear this sound, shut down your system immediately and call a repair technician. Allowing your unit to continue running with a low refrigerant level may damage the compressor. Leaking refrigerant can cause a health hazard to everyone inside of your residence.


Rattling can be caused by small debris caught in the fan assembly, both inside and outside. If the sound is coming from outside, check to make sure there are no branches or twigs caught in the condensing fan.

Rattling is also a key indicator of loose parts, which happens over time due to the system naturally vibrating. When you have your unit maintained every spring, all the usual suspects for vibration are checked and tightened.

From inside of your house, start by checking your unit’s casing screws or bolts. These are easy enough to tighten and will get rid of the noise without the need for a service call.

Buzzing and Humming

You may normally hear a little buzzing or humming coming from your AC unit while it cycles on. However, this should be faint and should stop as the system continues to cycle.

If you hear a loud humming or buzzing, there is a significant problem that needs attention. Coming from the outside unit, a common cause for a loud buzzing sound is a faulty capacitor. This is a relatively low-cost fix, but it is best left to a trained professional due to the high voltage it handles.

A failing compressor motor is also known to emit a humming or buzzing sound. Fan motors are known to emit this kind of sound as well when they fail to initialize.


Before you get a buzzing noise from your fan or blower motor, you will likely hear a squealing or squeaking sound. This is the first indication that one of the motors is nearing the end of its service life. If that is the case, a service technician can easily replace the motor and get your system up and running again quickly.


A little clicking is normal as your appliance is cycling on. You may hear a click from the thermostat as it sends a signal for the system to start. You may also hear a click as the contactor in the condenser unit initializes. The relays inside of your air handler or furnace may also make a clicking noise. All of this is normal as long as it clicks and stops.

If the clicking is constant or continues throughout the cycle, one of these components has a problem. You will want to get this diagnosed and fixed quickly. If your compressor is constantly being asked to start and stop, it adds a tremendous amount of strain to the compressor and capacitor.

If you hear any of these sounds, do not wait to contact a repair technician. Ignoring problematic sounds can lead to damage to your system and more substantial repair bills. Fought Service Company has been Austin’s preferred air conditioning repair company for over 40 years. We also offer AC installation and maintenance, along with heating installation, repair, and maintenance services. Give us a call today, and allow our expert technicians to track down the source of your strange sounds.